Starting an encore career? Maureen O’Brien Hooker is a Mary Kay Independent Sales Director in Glens Falls NY, and provides guidance and suggestions for women who are getting back in the workforce or starting their own businesses! Here tips from this encore career style makeover expert – check out her suggestions for updating your new career look!

Encore ImageMaureen O'Brien Mary Kay

by Maureen O’Brien Hooker

A growing number of Baby Boomers have retired and are launching second “encore” careers. Some, because they can. And some, because they must.

If you find yourself in either group, you’ll be wise to reevaluate your look. Whether we like it or not, human beings make subconscious and conscious decisions about others based on the way we look. We many not like it. It may not be right. But we don’t make the rules do we?

Although we Baby Boomers have valuable experience and wisdom to contribute to any organization, often the competition is younger…(There! I said it!)…as are the decision makers.

Thankfully, there are a few easy things we can do to present a more youthful, well-groomed, professional appearance. (For the sake of space and time, I’ll limit my tips to facial skincare and color. Look for more image tips next time!)

  • Incorporating a high-quality exfoliator to your skin care regimen is essential. It will reveal a younger-looking, more radiant complexion. (Caution: Exfoliate at least twice per week but no more often than every other day.)
  • Makeup is a must! You don’t have to be a “glamour-puss” but even minimalists need foundation, pencils, lip color, mascara, cheek color, and a neutral eye wash of color. Always use good-quality, clean brushes (not applicators) to avoid a heavy makeup look. A liquid foundation brush will allow your application to appear flawless and feel sheer.
  • As the years progress, eyebrows become thinner and lighter. To remove at least 10 years from your appearance, invest $10 in a good brow liner. Use short, feathery strokes and brush to soften the look. If you have wiry eyebrow hairs, brow gel works wonders.
  • The eye area naturally grows darker as we age. Rather than simply apply a lighter concealer, select a highlighter or foundation with a salmon tint to it. Using your pinky finger, apply a tiny bit to the side of your nose (next to the tear duct) and down just a bit to offset the darkness. You’ll be amazed how this virtually eliminates the appearance of dark circles.
  • Since the pink quality of our skin fades and becomes more sallow, always select colors with a pink base, over or under tone. If you just can’t get away from the earth tones, bMary Kay Encore Makeover Expertlend light pink over the hazelnut eye shadow and dab a pink lip gloss into the mocha lip color.

That’s it for now! Look for more tips for your Encore Look soon!

Be sure to check out Maureen’s Facebook Page, call her at 518-744-4600, or contact her for your personal encore makeover!

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